Title: UIUC + Carle, Driving Innovation in Healthcare, with Dr. King Li, Dean, Carle Illinois College of Medicine, Chief Academic Officer, Carle Health System
Description: As a physician, Carle Illinois College of Medicine Dean King Li knows what can be improved in medicine. He says the relationship you have with your doctor will be significantly improved by technology and enhancements that come when physician innovators lead change. With the nation’s first engineering-based college of medicine, Carle Illinois will be at the forefront. Learn about the latest in student recruitment, scholarship funding, and why Carle and the University of Illinois are best-suited to drive this change in healthcare that will impact the world.
Speaker Bio: Dr. King Li, MD, MBA, is a highly-regarded scholar who commands respect in his discipline and in the medical profession. Li enthusiastically engages faculty, disciplines and colleges across campus as well as physician colleagues at Carle and beyond in establishing the revolutionary college.
Li is a renowned researcher, educator, inventor and clinician in molecular imaging and radiology. Holding 16 patents, with another six pending, and four new invention disclosures since joining the Carle Illinois College of Medicine, he has a long track record of developing and commercializing intellectual property as well as setting up and administering large clinical and translational research programs.
11:30 a.m.: Registration and Networking
11:45 a.m.: Buffet Opens
12:15 p.m.: Meeting/Program
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