Title: Healthy Boundaries - for Home and Work
Why professional development? As we move through our careers, change jobs, and potentially pivot focus, it's beneficial to continue educating ourselves and practicing new skills to stay updated on current topics, programs, and methods. In doing so, we improve our abilities, teams, and community.
Feeling at all over-extended trying to get everything done?
Do you know how to say the word “No”... but somehow still find yourself saying “Yes” way too often?
In this interactive workshop, we will explore common pitfalls that prevent many professional women from setting, communicating, or defending boundaries effectively -- so you can sail past those pitfalls instead of getting caught up in them, and reclaim your life -- without guilt. You will leave with an easy 3-step process for setting a boundary on the spot for a "no-guilt no" and a "feel-good yes!"
About the Presenter:
Susan Northrup is a Transformation Coach, Energy Healer, and Owner of Choose Into Joy LLC. She empowers women to have more energy and clarity, especially regarding self-confidence and healthy boundaries. Susan spent decades exhausted, focusing on ensuring the happiness of those around her as her self-worth eroded away. Attempts to break out of that cycle started a hamster wheel of conflicting thoughts about her value and worth. “I want to…, but I can’t...”
Now, she knows her worth, and lives joyfully and unapologetically!
Susan has a boatload of powerful and life-changing tools and certifications from her own journey and her work helping others transform their lives. She specializes in helping people-pleasers discover and clear blocks to their ideal life. Whether it is updating brain software replacing limiting beliefs, or clearing stuck energy from adverse childhood experiences, Susan loves seeing her clients get off the hamster wheel and thrive in a life they love.

Registration Information:
This event will be hosted in person. The location: Chophouse on Main, 401 E Main St, Mahomet, IL 61853
Registration for in person. Registration fee is $10.00 to cover the event cost and some light appetizer.
Workshop Start Time:
4:30 pm: Workshop
5:30 pm: Networking. Dinner is on your own at your preference.
6:30 pm: Walking with other power women at the Lake of Woods for your body, soul and friendship